Create Calm & Peace in Your Home

Create Calm & Peace in Your Home

Feng Shui & Amethyst

Life has changed since March 2020 when the Corona Virus disrupted every sector of society. Perhaps you’re fearful, grieving the loss of a loved one or a job, or feeling uncertain about the future. 

By combining the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui with the energy properties of specific stones, balance, peace and calm can be restored in your heart and in your home. 

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics that began 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic period. It aligns human structures and items within them in relation to positive energy forces, or Chi. 

Chi is considered the vital life-force that harmonizes the universe and all that is within it. Because all matter consists of vibrating atoms, natural objects are thought to have vibrational frequencies that affect you and your environments.

Why This is Important

By aligning objects in relation to good Chi, good energy vibrations foster harmony with your environment and calmness within you. Different stones vibrate at different frequencies. These vibrations emit positive energy or absorb and cleanse negative energy. 

Proper Placement is Essential

Proper placement of specific stones in your home can help you sync with their vibrations; thereby helping you release negativity and embrace positivity. The result? Peace and calmness.

“When change happens in our lives … We have the ability to make simple, yet powerful changes to our homes to aid the process. Our homes are safe havens in the storms of life,” says Linda Lenore, certified Feng Shui Master. 

Learn How Your Home Can Become More Peaceful

Join your host and Nature-Gallery owner Carol Garsten and featured speaker, Linda Lenore for Balance Your Home’s Energy with Feng Shui and Stones: Create Calm & Peace in Your Home: Feng Shui & Amethyst on Thursday, Aug. 27, 6:30-7 p.m. 

Ms. Lenore is an internationally recognized authority on Feng Shui and one of the few non-Asian Certified Feng Shui Masters in the United States. 

This session will open with a brief meditation, followed by a discussion about how Rose Quartz can help create a sense of calm and peace in your home. Ask any questions you have about Feng Shui and Rose Quartz during the 10-minute Q&A session. 

Restore your inner peace and the calmness of your home. Learn how to make small changes that have big impact. Sign up here.

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